Thursday, January 23, 2014

I have no idea

where this past more than a year has gone. Much upheaval in my own life and those who share it could be blamed for my lack of posting to this blog. Grandson and wife produced another precious great grandson, brother to Tyler, named Connor. Both are growing up, per the old saw, like weeds. We can actually understand a lot of what three and a half year old Tyler is trying to tell us. His progress in that area is much faster than his father's was at that age. Since Connor still only jabbers, he makes a lot of use of his pointer finger. For both, it's easy to tell when they're not getting what they want. They dissolve either into whining or screaming. :-)

In 2012 daughter and I did some gardening in addtion to assisting in child rearing. In 2013, not much gardening, only a couple of volunteer tomato plants and a few potatoes in a tire ring. We hope to do better this year.

I got some wrtiing done last year, though not a lot. I am determined to get more done in that area this year. Have managed to keep producing weekly columns for local newspaper and hope to compile a volume of them and get it published this year as well as two mystery novels.

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