Friday, September 18, 2020

An Inconvenient Truth

An inconvenient truth, this one real, has been, alas, let out of the bag by another Tennessean.

After the bombshell news report out of Nashville yesterday, I wrote Tennessee Governor Bill Lee another letter, as seen below:

Governor Lee,
    I would like to know how long Tennesseans are going to be held hostage by your Executive Orders? I had hopes that you would exhibit a little more common sense than some governors in other states who only seem to want to see how much control they can exert over their citizens. Which, in states such as New York, New Jersey, Michigan, via their orders to send Covid patients into nursing homes, sentenced many others in those nursing homes with 2-3 and more serious underlying conditions to death.
     IF this Covid virus was as deadly as some would have us believe, WHY is it necessary, as I asked you before, to pad the numbers and hide them when they go lower than SOMEONE wants? Most recent case in point here in Tennessee is the Nashville Health Department in collusion with the Mayor's aide doing some of this hiding.
     To illustrate the point I also pointed out of padding numbers, I give you this. I grew up when children routinely contracted childhood diseases and developed immunity. Yes, some died, and some ALSO die from vaccines. So if a blood test on me showed antibodies to say, mumps or measles, with absolutely no other symptoms of those diseases, would I then be classified as a 'case' of mumps or measles? This is the ludicrous position health departments across the country have been taking in regard to Covid.
      Most people who can read with a modicum of understanding can see that is what is happening. Thus the resistance to taking a test, not EVEN mentioning the staggering number of false positives.
      My very strong opinion is that you should not wait until September 30 to lift these restrictions on the freedom of your constituents.

Sylvia Nickels

In case you missed the story, which if you only watch the mainstream (so called, they are far from mainstream) media's oh-so-smart anchors and reporters, you very well could have missed it. Here it is: 

And, in case you can't read it, these are emails between the Nashville/Davidson Co Health Department and one of Nashville Mayor Cooper's advisors. Apparently the numbers of 'cases' were not high enough to suit these two gentlemen so the advisor asked the question in larger type. So now we know the truth in one place. WHAT about all the others?

(Excuse the mistaken attribution in original post, please)



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