Friday, August 28, 2020

Questions - and No Answers

Today's post, though not the title, is courtesy of someone who calls himself E. P. Unum. Apparently a bona fide patriot and I thank him because in searching for him I came across another conservative online news service to which he seems to contribute, along with other writers of interesting, thoughtful articles.

I'm quoting only a small portion of the Unum text. You can read the entire article at the link above. It's  been reprinted elsewhere so  you can probably find it on other sites if you care to do a search. 


5.  With so many Americans unemployed during this pandemic, why is it that our elected representatives in Congress and the Senate, as well as State Governors and City Mayors continue to receive full salaries and benefits? These people, our elected officials, made the decision to close down our economy and the jobs of millions of Americans. Why are they not held to the same standards as we the people? Why don’t they willingly forego their salaries until we defeat this assault on our nation? Maybe if they were in the same boat with the rest of us, they might be more inclined to work together developing and implementing solutions to our problems instead of continuing to have these schoolyard arguments and get nothing done?

12.  Here are a few more questions I have:
    Are we being quarantined until there are no more germs left in the world or just until after the election?
    Why is it OK to stand in line at Home Depot, Wal-Mart, and Costco, but it suddenly is not safe to vote in person?
    Can someone explain to me the rationale for the teachers union objecting to teachers returning to work unless (1) police are defunded; (2)There is Medicare for all; (3) all charter and private schools are abolished and (4) 54% of all schools have their ventilation systems improved. How does any of this justify having teachers not report to work?
    When I think of Martin Luther King I try to reflect on the times he led riots in our city streets; burned down businesses; looted stores and tore down statues. Then it dawned on me…MLK never did any of those things. Yet, he changed the world! There must be a lesson in this, don’t you agree?
13.   If the U.S. Flag is racist, why did it drape the coffin of Congressman John Lewis? Equally, why did Nancy Pelosi deliver a folded flag to the widow of George Floyd, a convicted criminal?

16.   Under Obama the H1N1 Virus resulted in 60.8 million infections; there was zero panic level and China was blamed. Fast forward to today, there are 4.6 million cases of coronavirus reported; the panic level is one of mass hysteria covered 24/7 by the news cycle and Trump is blamed! Wonder why that is?

19.  One last remark, just in case you are wondering. I am a firm, dedicated believer in the LGBT Movement:

L iberty
G uns
B ible
T rump 



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