Thursday, September 3, 2020

Invisible Prison Walls


 To reinforce the message of the above picture, watch and listen to this:

Shelling of Ft. McHenry

Second main post this week on Friday, needed to share these comments I've read today:

The victim of mind-manipulation does not know that he is a victim. To him, the walls of his prison are invisible, and he believes himself to be free.
Aldous Huxley

It's a whole lot easier to fool a person than to convince them that they have been fooled. - M. Twain

They keep getting more insane. Some classes telling students they cannot turn their heads towards other students. It's been insane from the outset unless your goal is oppression, authoritarianism, fascism, and overthrowing rule of law via fear. It is brilliant for that. They have the slaves fashioning their own compliance shackles and they don't even see it. In fact, they attack other people when they don't see these proverbial shackles.

Also haven't heard of an asymptomatic person dying from Covid no matter their comorbidities.

How deadly is a disease that you don't even know you have until you're tested and come up positive?

One of our jails reported 45 new cases today. ONE has symptoms, the other 44 have NO symptoms. We gonna die!

There was a photo of a grade school in Thailand showing the masked children seated in 3 sided plastic shielded cubicles. Imagine how socially inept the next generations of people are going to be with this sort of childhood 'nurturing'. I watched a young woman on a plane ride recently trying to calm her screaming newborn and talking baby talk while wearing her mask. Did it even occur to her that she might be FRIGHTENING the child with her mask? Volumes will be written in the future about the social and psychological implications from this hoax and the mask and social distancing mandates. such a shame. people have given up their basic humanisms out of unfounded fears and false promises of 'safety.'

(This especially struck a chord with me. We're told that a mother's (and father's, sibling's) faces are the first ones a baby recognizes and responds to. With a masked parent caring for a baby,  that infant is being treated no better than one who is orphaned. CHILD ABUSE, mandated by the state.
Yes, airlines are demanding masks, so DON'T FLY if you love your baby.)

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